
Price Chopper Direct Connect is the online web portal for the employees of Price Chopper company to access their accounts. If you are an employee at Price Chopper, you can access your employment and personal information using the Price Chopper Direct Connect portal.


The main reason why these supermarkets are so reputed is that they offer a varied range of departments and products. Apart from the everyday food items, they have natural products, plant-powered items, gluten-free items, beauty products, and a lot more. It also provides additional benefits to its employees and values resources that can be viewed and managed via its employee login portal.

Registration At Price Chopper Employee Account

Every employee who wants to join Price Chopper is assured to remain updated with their work-related info through the Direct Connect website. You have to provide some personal details and other relevant documents at the time of appointment.

  • To start with the registration procedure, visit the official portal of Direct Connect, which is
  • You will see the user management option on the home page at the top of the page. Click on it.
  • You will find a pop-up page appearing on the screen. Locate the Register option and tap on it.
  • After that, the registration form will appear on your screen.


  • Fill up the registration form and click on the submit button.
  • Your Price Chopper Direct Connect registration process is successfully done.

The Requirements For Registration Price Chopper Employee Account 

  • For accessing your Direct Connect account as an employee, you must have a laptop beside you.
  • The following vital thing you need to log in and navigate your employee account is an active internet connection.
  • You must know your Unique ID, which will be provided to you by the employer.
  • However, mostly it is supposed to be your email address on
  • You should know the four digits by which your SSN ( social security number) ends.